The 'Snowfall' Series Finale: How It Set Up Wanda's Potential Spinoff And Featured A 'Boyz N The Hood' Easter Egg

The ‘Snowfall’ Series Finale: How It Set Up Wanda’s Potential Spinoff And Featured A ‘Boyz N The Hood’ Easter Egg

The season finale of FX’s smash drama Snowfall revealed what happens to Franklin, Leon, Louie, and others in the end.
The episode ended with a time leap in which Franklin Saint (Damson Idris) and Leon Simmons (Isaiah John) are roaming about the neighbourhood when they come upon a movie that is currently in development. Franklin had reached rock bottom after never receiving his money back. Leon pays Franklin a visit after returning from Ghana to check on him and offer him a job to help him get back on his feet and save the property. Franklin objects to this concept and, in a heartfelt moment, thanks Leon for being his closest friend and tells him how proud he is of him. As Leon screams and shouts his name, he walks away.

But, returning to the film they witnessed in development, the scene was a reference to series co-creator John Singleton’s successful film Boyz In The Hood, which was released in 1991—the same year Snowfall finishes.
“You know, we were just looking for a way to thank him.” This performance completes his career. “His career began by telling the South Central story,” Andron stated. “I know Boyz n the Hood starts in the 1980s, but it was really South Central in the early 1990s and what had happened and this story was very much the prologue to that how did that neighbourhood become the place that we inhabit in Boyz n the Hood, so it felt only right.” We certainly jumped time in the latter two acts. Leon is walking through the [Los Angeles] Times newspaper from September 1990. It’s an actual copy of the Los Angeles Times from September 1990, when he begins filming Boyz n the Hood. So it simply seemed like the right way to bring his work full circle and really transfer it over.
“If you think about it, Snowfall is a little bit of a prologue to Boyz, and how the neighbourhood got to the point you experience in the film,” he added. “We did jump ahead in time a few years, and we didn’t put an exact date on it, but the newspapers Leon picks up on the street are from September 1990, which is when John started filming Boyz in the Hood.” It was quite deliberate to return to that point in time to continue up the tale where John left off with the movie. That was a nod to him.”
He also discussed how the show’s last scenes set up a prospective spinoff, which is rumoured to be in the works and would feature Gail Bean, who might reprise her role as Wanda.
Leon informs Franklin that they are returning to Los Angeles so that Wanda may begin her career in the music business.
“She came back from Africa at the very end, and even though we don’t see her, we hear about her from Leon, she’s back, and she’s got a dream,” Andron added. “She’s going to have a whole life and she’s found something she’s passionate about and wants to be a part of.” This is related to Wanda, whom we initially met. If she puts her imagination and passion into music, I believe she will be able to carve herself a niche.”
He further said, “And you should know that West Coast hip hop is about to explode.” So conveying the tale of what’s going on in South Central the way Singleton did with Boyz N The Hood. So, as you may know, word got out that we may attempt to keep telling that narrative because it seemed worthy of Snowfall, and I felt worthy of John Singleton. So we’ll see what we can do.”
There is no information on whether Isaiah John will join Bean in the spinoff.
Amin Joseph and Angela Lewis both talked to S&A earlier this season about what they envisioned for Snowfall’s legacy.
“I’m hoping this isn’t the last tribute.” “I knew John was working on more than just Snowfall,” Joseph recently revealed to Shadow and Act. “I feel like this is one of his legacy’s bound volumes that is now coming to an end.” It’s coming to an end, but I hope his legacy lives on long beyond Snowfall, because as you said, it was already established 20, 30 years before this event. So [he was] a gigantic figure who contributed so much to television and film.”
“I hope people are proud of the work that we’re doing and capable of, and what the show set out to do,” Lewis said. It was designed to send a message, say something, and unveil a piece of history that had been concealed for a long time in the community and the world at large. I believe certain individuals in our neighbourhood were aware of the CIA’s role in introducing crack cocaine into the community, but it was not widely known. So I’m glad we were able to bring it up and speak about it. And then, with our narrative, with vivid characters, fantastic acting talents, and amazing writing, I hope that our community and the TV-watching community as a whole have been touched in such a manner that we can picture ourselves doing really amazing work. I hope Franklin and Louie will both live on forever. I like to believe we made an indelible mark on the culture.”

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