Tag: mastadon

  • Elon Musk’s Twitter prohibited Mastodon. Regulators alarmed.

    Elon Musk’s Twitter prohibited Mastodon. Regulators alarmed.

    Elon Musk’s Twitter suspended several journalists who cover him on Thursday, sparking a worldwide outcry. Some law experts suggest a different strategy Twitter made against a fast-growing rival may lead to regulatory scrutiny. In addition to suspending journalists covering a scandal over third-party tracking of Musk’s private jet, the platform also suspended Mastodon’s Twitter account…

  • Mastodon Server Selection

    Mastodon Server Selection

    Mastodon has a learning curve. Pick a server to register. Learn what servers are and how you may select the best one. Mastodon is the open-source, decentralised social media network everyone is talking about. If you want to join Mastodon and discover what all the excitement is about, you can get tripped up in the…

  • Twitter’s instability has ignited Mastodon.

    Twitter’s instability has ignited Mastodon.

    Mastodon signups have increased after Elon Musk took over Twitter. Mastodon, a 2016 startup, is expanding fast. As Twitter faces layoffs, controversial product changes, an expected shift in content control, and a rise in abusive language, some are leaving for it or at least looking for a second location to post. Twitter, a fast-moving, text-heavy,…