A True Lover of the Red-Headed Stranger Should Be Aware of These 4 Crucial Willie Nelson Deep Cuts

A True Lover of the Red-Headed Stranger Should Be Aware of These 4 Crucial Willie Nelson Deep Cuts

Not for nothing is Willie Nelson among the most well-known musicians in the nation. Throughout his decades-long career, he has released song after hit, including “Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain” and “On The Road Again.” Nevertheless, Nelson has a vast discography. Over the years, many of his vastly underappreciated tunes have slipped through the cracks. Let’s examine some Willie Nelson deep cuts that are essential knowledge for every fan!

1. The first day of December

There is so much excellent stuff in this song from the 1971 album Yesterday’s Wine. It’s a sentimental, melancholic record that embodies everything that makes Willie Nelson unique. One of the album’s greatest songs, “December Day,” is also one of the best deep cuts of Willie Nelson that you will discover. We wholeheartedly agree that the song is Nelson’s Sinatra moment, as some have dubbed it.

2. “The Picture Doesn’t Fit the Words”

Despite being the first single from Nelson’s eponymous 1972 album, it hasn’t received much notice. It’s a timeless breakup ballad and among Nelson’s most straightforward and honest compositions to date. This one doesn’t include a lot of beautiful poetry. It’s a straightforward, reflective song about breaking up with someone you no longer love.

3. “Manufactured by Hands”

This is a fantastic illustration of how amazing Nelson’s voice may have been in his prime. Some of his greatest vocal runs to date may be heard on this 1975 song. The song was also used as the Electric Horseman (1979) movie’s final credit sequence.

4. “It’s Still Getting to Me”

This deep cut is perhaps the only song that can come close to simulating smoking a joint with Willie Nelson if you’ve ever had that fantasy. Nelson’s delicate strumming is reminiscent of a meditation, and the chorus is like a chant. Actually, the whole song has a meditative quality to it. Fortunately for his admirers, Nelson often performs this deep cut live.

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